Mikiko Sato Gallery

About Mikiko Sato Gallery:
Mikiko Sato Gallery was originally founded in 2002 with the aim of promoting Japanese artists through exhibitions and publications, and to raise local public awareness of contemporary Japanese art. The gallery sees itself as a link between cultures and aims to act as a place for exchange and the development of new ideas. Over the years, Mikiko Sato has earned a reputation for presenting only artworks of unique quality. They are characterized by high quality craftsmanship and sophisticated artistic concepts, as well as poetic qualities and references to nature. Testing the boundaries of art often presents challenges to visitors, artists and gallery staff, which ultimately always lead to new perspectives on art. The consistent focus on Japanese art demonstrates Mikiko Sato’s extraordinary commitment and passion. Since its inception, the gallery has been more than just a body of work. Rather, it is an expression of life through art and a path full of discoveries and new experiences for all involved.
Opening hours:
Di. – Fr. 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Sa. 13:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Tel.: 040 – 32 90 19 80
Web: www.mikikosatogallery.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mikikosatogallery
Instagramm: www.instagramm.com/mikikosatogallery
E-Mail: info@mikikosatogallery.com
Mikiko Sato Gallery
Klosterwall 13
20354 Hamburg
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